Imagine your skin so flawless that always glows!
Have you ever asked the beauty gods for a way to keep foundation on your skin longer than a day without facing the consequences of sleeping in your makeup? Your prayers may have been answered in the form of semi-permanent BB cream, a treatment that offers patients a way to wear BB cream without having to wash and re-apply it everyday for up to half an year.

BB Glow provides more visual benefits than any other facial treatment. It provides instant and long lasting coverage. The result includes a visible reduction of wrinkles, even skin tone and radiance.

Also, the method can help to reduce the appearance of spots and lighten the skin. Also, color changes on the skin caused by acne can be corrected with BB Glow.

The BB Glow method is a safe and non-invasive technique that provides bright and fresh skin to each client. This revolutionary technique combines the efficiency of nano-needling with the result of semi-permanent makeup.

Following cleansing, your skin will be microneedled with a peptide serum that encourages hydration, regeneration and collagen production, it is designed to leave your skin glowing and fresh.

Next, tinted, light reflecting pigments are microneedled into the skin, and much like a bb cream this helps minimise and improve the look of dark spots, open pores, helps to even out the tone, and generally brightens the skin.

The other benefits of the BB Glow treatment are because it's done with microneedling this encourages skin to regenerate and naturally produce more collagen which will improve fine lines and wrinkles and leave skin plumper!

The BB Glow treatment uses state-of-the-art technology and serums made with all natural ingredients to improve the look and feel of your skin fast, with visible improvements often seen immediately after your first skin glow treatment. Skin will continue to regenerate for 28 days.

More than one treatment is required If you do want to build up a fuller coverage and also to continue to see improvements in your skin.

BB Glow does not replace a foundation, but it allows you to achieve glowing, radiant skin and rejuvenation for up to 4 months.

Before we talk about the consultation and the procedure, take a look at benefits of BB Glow.

Benefits of BB Glow 
Instant Glowing & Radiant skin complexion
Hydrated skin
Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles
Reduction of dark circles under your eyes
Reduction of blackheads and pores
Infusion of antioxidants, vitamins, & anti-aging ingredients
Evens out blemishes and discolorations
Reduces melanin content in the skin before and after UV exposure
Covers up redness (rosacea) and broken capillaries

Who Are Good Candidates For BB Glow?
Good candidates include people with uneven skin ton, texture, freckles, hyper pigmentation, acne scars, age spots and sunspots, early aging and lacks skin, wrinkles and fine lines.

How many sessions are needed and how long does the treatment last?
With the BB Glow facial treatment, you will see immediate results. If this is your first time getting the procedure, the results can last 3-7 days, and it is recommended to you come back for a 2nd session in about two weeks to get further coverage and enhanced results.

To achieve the best results with BB Glow, it's recommended that you start with a series of 3-4 treatments, once every 2-4 weeks. After the first few sessions, the results of your BB Glow treatment can last up to 4 months or longer, and with continuous maintenance, the effects can last even longer!

How does skin change post treatment?
BB Glow does not change the color of your skin permanently. It simply places small pigments of color into the skin to improve skin tone and color. The treatment starts by restoring uneven skin tone, then gradually can build to full coverage and contouring.

What to expect after your session:
Down-time is minimal. Swelling and redness are typically mild and most people can return to their normal activities within 24 hours.

Pregnancy or nursing.
Skin cancer.
Skin disease.
Active skin infection's.
Accutane or any medication for the same purpose within six months.
History of cold sores or fever blisters. Dr. Krachman can prescribe anti-viral medication to help avoid possible breakouts. The medication should be used two days prior and two days after treatment.

Within 24 hours after procedure avoid baths, saunas or exercise. Avoid going under strong sunlight for 2 to 3 days. Avoid Use of harsh soaps or scrubs or heavy skin care products on their skin. Avoid Make up for first 12 hours. And SPF 30 should be worn every two hours if outside.

Before the treatment, steer clear of Retin-A products (10 days prior), Accutane or similar medications (6 months prior), autoimmune therapies (12 hours prior), and blood thinners. Avoid injectable fillers/botox within the last 2 weeks and refrain from sun exposure 24 hours prior.

For the first 24 hours, avoid washing your face, applying moisturizers, or using makeup. You can use mineral makeup 12–72 hours after the treatment.

Post-treatment, continue with a gentle cleanser, hyaluronic acid serum, and SPF for 12–72 hours. After 48 to 72 hours, you can return to your regular skincare regimen. Using Retinol products is highly recommended for best results.

Avoid alcohol-based toners for 10–14 days, sun exposure for 10 days, saunas, baths, swimming, and scrubs or exfoliators for a week. Refrain from using active skincare ingredients like Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Beta Hydroxy Acid, low pH vitamin C, etc., for at least 3 days. Also, skip strenuous exercises for 1-2 days post-treatment.

Avoid direct sunlight for the first 72 hours, and always apply sunscreen to protect your skin.

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